Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp

The mission statement for the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp has always been “The practical application of all the most recent thoughts, concepts, ideas, theories and research on foot biomechanics and foot orthotics into clinical practice.” This online version takes it even further. In the past the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp has covered 2 days of lectures and some practical work. This online versions contains at least 4 days’ worth of content broken down into a manageable 20-30 minute chunks with videos, demos, interviews, lectures and the ability to ask and respond to questions. Each topic is developed in much more depth and detail than the 2 day course. The course is guided and interactive. Checks are regularly made of understanding and after working your way through the course a certificate is produced. The registration for this course gives you lifelong access to the materials so you can go over it again at any time, especially when sections get added to as new information becomes available. There is even a private Facebook group to support learners.

Register/Enroll here

Other versions with subtitlesItaliano and Español 

  1. Introduction
  2. The Foot Orthoses Paradox
  3. Possible Solutions to the Paradox
  4. Understanding Mechanics
  5. Introduction to Assessment
  6. Foot Posture/Alignment
    1. Foot Posture Index
  7. Gait Analysis
    1. Assumptions
    2. Bojsen-Moller Axes Model
    3. Treadmill v Overground
    4. Abductory Twist
    5. Pressure Mapping
    6. Video Gait Analysis
    7. Symmetry
  8. Subtalar Joint
    1. Subtalar joint axis
  9. Midtarsal Joint
    1. Gib Test
  10. Forefoot/Rearfoot Alignment
    1. Forefoot supinatus
  11. Ankle Joint Range of Motion
    1. Ankle joint stiffness
    2. Lunge Test
  12. First Ray &Medial and Lateral Column Stiffness
  13. First MPJ
  14. Windlass Function
  15. Reverse Windlass Mechanism
  16. Navicular Drift and Drop
  17. Maximum Eversion Test
  18. Supination Resistance
    1. Keystone
  19. Muscle Action and Lever Arms
  20. Functional Assessment
    1. Functional Movement Tool
  21. Leg Length Differences
  22. Leg Stiffness
  23. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
    1. Proximal or distal
    2. Role of Foot Orthotics
  24. Achilles tendinopathy
  25. Medial Knee Osteoarthritis
  26. Foot Orthotics and the Risk for Knee Osteoarthritis
  27. Clinical Experience can be Deceptive
  28. Theories and their practical use
    1. Root/STJ Neutral Theory
    2. Tissue Stress
    3. Sagittal plane
    4. Arch Support Paradigm
    5. Bojsen-Møller’s ‘high gear/low gear’
    6. Column Theory
    7. CT Band Biomechanics
    8. Flow Motion Model
    9. Foot Core Model
    10. Foot Fault Syndromes
    11. Foot Function and Fascial Lines
    12. Functional Foot Typing
    13. Functional forefoot drop
    14. MASS Theory
    15. Preferred Movement Pathway
    16. Sensory Input Based Models
    17. Spring Theory
    18. STJ Axis Location/Rotational Equilibrium Theory of Foot Function
    19. Tripod Model of the Foot
    20. Wring Theory
    21. Biotensegrity
    22. Geometric Model
    23. Morgan’s Meat Pie Theory
    24. Unified Theory
    25. ‘Everythings Proximal’ Model
  29. The role of theory, evidence and distinguishing from pseudoscience
  30. The intrinsic muscles
  31. Foot Orthotic decision making, prescription and design
  32. PFOLA’s Pathway to Foot Orthotic Manufacture
  33. Shank Independent vs Dependent Foot Orthotics
  34. Negative Model Production Methods
    1. Positioning the foot
      1. Neutral
      2. MASS
    2. Wightbearing v Non-weighbearing
    3. Plaster
      1. STS Sock
    4. Pin Matrix Systems
      1. Amfit
    5. Foam Boxes
    6. Dilatency Based Methods
    7. Optical Scanning
    8. Photogrammetry
  35. Pathomechanical Entities
  36. Direct Molded Methods
  37. Positive Model Methods
    1. Plaster
    2. Milled
    3. Design features
      1. Intrinsic Posting
      2. Medial Wedging designs
        1. Kirby Medial Skive
        2. Blake Inverted
        3. DC Wedge
        4. MOSI
      3. MASS type foot orthotics
  38. Foot Orthotic Shell Types and Modifications
    1. Types
      1. Prefabricated
      2. Library
      3. Heat molded
      4. Milled
      5. 3d printed
    2. Design Features
      1. Rigidity/stiffness
      2. Posting
      3. First ray cut outs
      4. Aperatures
  39. Foot Orthotic Top Covers and Additions
    1. Materials
    2. Metatarsal Dome
    3. Kinetic Wedge
    4. Cluffy Wedge
  40. Foot Orthotic types
    1. “Functional” vs “accomodative”
    2. Prefabricated vs custom
    3. Root & Modified Root
    4. Blake Inverted Design
    5. MASS
    6. UCBL
    7. Richie Brace
  41. Proprioceptive & Sensory Insoles
  42. Prescription and design of foot orthotics
  43. Practical tips on modifying foot orthotics
  44. The ‘dumbing’ down of foot orthotic prescirption and manufacture
  45. Running
    1. Running Techniques
      1. Pose Running
      2. Chi Running
      3. Minimalist/Barefoot Running
    2. Running Shoes
      1. Minimalist running shoes
      2. Maximalist running shoes
      3. Unique Running Shoe Designs
      4. Running shoes and drop
      5. Rotating Running Shoes
      6. Motion control and running shoes
      7. Prescribing running shoes
      8. Running Shoes and muscle strength
    3. Social media debates
  46. Foot orthotics should be banned
    1. Foot orthotics and muscle strength
  47. Overuse injuries
  48. Long term or short term use of foot orthotics
  49. Adequacy of Foot Orthotic Research Translation
  50. Alternatives to foot orthotics
    1. Other strategies to reduce load
  51. Increasing the ability of tissues to take load
  52. Anterior compartment syndrome
  53. Plantar fasciitis
    1. the load issues
    2. the natural history issues
    3. the sub-category issues
    4. the patient belief issues
  54. Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction and tendonitis
  55. Tendinopathy
  56. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
  57. Severs Disease
  58. Metatarsal stress fractures
  59. ‘Top of Foot Pain’
  60. Gait retraining
  61. Foot strike pattern and injury
  62. Running and Osteoarthritis
  63. Barefoot Science
  64. Toning Shoes
  65. Critical thinking, skepticism and logical fallacies
  66. Conclusion


  • The current modules are listed here.
  • Like the 2-day version of the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp, the content will continue to evolve as new ideas, concepts, theories and research becomes available.
  • Each module is more than just a recorded PowerPoint. They will consist of talking heads, interviews with experts (and those who have differing opinions); video demos; and a chance to interact by asking questions; and more. Hopefully they are also somewhat entertaining.
  • After learning is checked, you then move onto the next module until you get to the end and the system produces a certificate
  • You can go back over any module at any time and will be notified when any are updated or added to
  • You can enrol and start the course at any time
  • You go at your own pace and do the modules in your own time; each module is broken into 15-50 minute blocks or chunks, so that is manageable
  • If you have done a prevous 2 day Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp, you will recognise a lot of the content, but for this online version more detail and content is included.
  • A discount on the enrolment/registration fee is available for those who have done the previous 2 day version. Plese contact us for the discount code.
  • Any questions, please contact us.
  • Register/Enroll Here

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is the course open to non-Podiatrists?
    Yes. Everyone is welcome. There are pedorthists. physiotherapists, chiropractors and others who are doing the course.
  • Can you send us an inovice rather than use PayPal?
    Yes. Our prefernece is to use PayPal as that is integrated with our backend and everything is automated; but please contact us and we can send an invoice with alternative payment methods.
  • How long will it take to complete the course?
    At long as you like. Therie is about 24 hours worth of content broken down into 15 to 50 minute lessons, so you work at your own pace as time and work permits.
  • The cost is too much
    Not really. The cost is the same as about what you would have paid for the two day face-to-face Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp; except with the online version you get a lot more content that you can revisit at anytime and get updates. With the online verison you also do not have the travel and accomodation costs and the need for time off work to attend.
  • What platform do you use to deliver the course?
    The whole course is web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc) based and video streams in the browser. There is nothing to download or install. It is also responsive, so works equally well on desktop and mobile platdorms.
  • Can you do a bulk price for a large clinic or hospital department?
    Yes, there are bulk discounts. We also have a group membership in which a clinic or department can purchase a certain number of enrolments and then add users. If staff leave, they can be deleted and new staff added to start the course. See here for the bulk group pricing