Become a Critical Thinking and Science Based Podiatrist

This is the ‘research methods’ course you wish you had at University. This course will make you into a better critical thinker and consumer of research. It will give you a better understanding of all the issues in social media vs the published scientific evidence and how that applies to clinical practice. It will take you through the issues surrounding science and pseudoscience and the impacts this has on you in general, and specifically in clinical practice. All the way through each lesson will feature practical issues that impact on clinical practice to illustrate the point. Above all, this course will be fun and entertaining. It explores the skills that I learnt before embarking on my blogging adventure at Run Research Junkie and Its a Foot Captain, but not as we know it.

What this course is not, is a boring course on research methods and statistics. It does explore issues in statistics and research methods that underpin critical thinking that is needed to make you a better clinician and a better consumer of research in general and a better contributor to a science based future in our lives.

This course launched 1 September 2017.

Register/Enroll here


  1. Critical Thinking:
    1. What is it
    2. Why its important
    3. What it means for clinical practice
    4. How it will make you a better clincian
    5. Scientific Method
    6. Replication of Results
    7. Sceince v pseudosceince
  2. Anecdotal Evidence:
    1. Clinical practice an be deceptive
    2. ‘In my experiece’
  3. Clinically Proven
  4. ‘Science’ or ‘Evidence’ Based Medicine
  5. Social Media:
    1. Infuences on clinical practice
    2. Echo chambers
  6. Logical Fallacies:
    1. It worked for me’ Fallacy
    2. Ad hominem
    3. Ambiguity Fallacy
    4. Appeal to Authority Fallacy
    5. Appeal to ignorance
    6. Appeal to Novelty Fallacy
    7. Appeal to Tradition Fallacy
    8. Argument by Analogy
    9. Bandwagon fallacy
    10. Burden of Proof Fallacy
    11. Causal Illusions
    12. Cherry Picking
    13. Confirmation Bias
    14. False Analogy
    15. False Balance
    16. False Dilemma or Dichotomy
    17. False Equivalence
    18. Galileo Gambit
    19. It’s Just a Theory
    20. Natural Fallacy
    21. Non sequitur
    22. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
    23. Post Hoc Fallacy
    24. Shill Gambit
    25. Shoehorning
    26. Slippery Slope Fallacy
    27. Special pleading logical fallacy
    28. Straw Man
    29. Tautology
    30. The Moving Goalpost
    31. Wishful Thinking Fallacy
  7. Reading and Understanding Research:
    1. Academic Databases
    2. Appraising Research
    3. Common problems
    4. Correlation vs Causation
    5. Scientific Misconduct
    6. Ethical Issues in Research
    7. Types of studies
    8. Understanding Statistics
  8. Fact Checking
  9. Topics in Pseudoscience:
    1. Characteristics of Pseudoscience
    2. Debunking
    3. Dunning–Kruger effect
    4. “I’ve Done My Research”
    5. ‘Boosting the immune system’
    6. ‘Dr Google’ and the ‘University of Google’
    7. ‘Onions in the socks at night’
    8. Alien abduction
    9. Black salve
    10. Celtic Barefoot Therapy
    11. Chemtrails
    12. Cognitive Biases
    13. Colloidal Silver
    14. Conspiracy Theory
    15. Earthing
    16. Fan Boys
    17. Foot Detox
    18. Germ theory denialism
    19. HIV Denialism
    20. Magnetic Insoles
    21. Metaphorical echo chambers
    22. Negative Ion Insoles
    23. Skepticism
    24. Snake Oil
    25. Suppression of a Cancer Cure
    26. Tooth Fairy Science
    27. The Anti-vaccination cult
  10. Translating research into practice
    1. Foot orthotics
    2. Running Shoes
    3. Exercise therapy
    4. Diabetic foot
  11. Alternative Medicine:
    1. Acupunture
    2. Applied Kinesiology
    3. Ayurveda
      1. Ayurevda for plantar fasciitis
    4. Chinese Medicine
    5. Energy Medicine
    6. Fish Pedicure
    7. Foot Reading
    8. Grounding
    9. Homeopathy
    10. Questionable Diseases
    11. Reflexology
  12. The Publication Process:
    1. Authorship
    2. CONSORT Statement
    3. Peer Review
    4. Predatory journals
    5. Publication Bias
    6. Publication Ethics
    7. Retractions
    8. Writing a Manuscript


  • The current lessons are listed here.
  • Each lesson is more than just a recorded PowerPoint. They will consist of talking heads, interviews with experts (and those who have differing opinions); video demos; and a chance to interact by asking questions; and more. Hopefully they are also somewhat entertaining.
  • After learning is checked, you then move onto the next lesson until you get to the end and the system produces a certificate
  • You can go back over any module at any time and will be notified when any are updated or added to
  • You can enrol and start the course at any time
  • You go at your own pace and do the modules in your own time; each module is broken into 15-50 minute blocks or chunks, so that is manageable
  • Any questions, please contact us.
  • Register/Enroll Here

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is the course open to non-Podiatrists?
    Yes. Everyone is welcome. Critical thinking is an imprtant life skill and just not a clinical skill.
  • Can you send us an inovice rather than use PayPal?
    Yes. Our preference is to use PayPal as that is integrated with our backend and everything is automated; but please contact us and we can send an invoice with alternative payment methods.
  • How long will it take to complete the course?
    At long as you like. Therie is about 24 hours worth of content broken down into 15 to 50 minute lessons, so you work at your own pace as time and work permits.
  • What platform do you use to deliver the course?
    The whole course is web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc) based and video streams in the browser. There is nothing to download or install. It is also responsive, so works equally well on desktop and mobile platdorms.