Want to be a better clincian? Want to make better clinial decisions? Want to increase your confidence in your skills and clinical decisions making? You are in the right place.

Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp

Craig Payne has been offering his very popular Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp all over the world for many years. Now its available as a much more expanded and in depth interactive online version with guided and supported learning. This course has been running since 1 November 2016 and has been shown to be extremely popular. It is suitable for all levels of knowledge and expertise in clinical biomechanics and foot orthotics. Click on ‘More’ for the details of all the content that is covered. All content is updated on an ongoing basis and you have life long access to that updated content.

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Critical Thinking and Science Based Podiatrist Boot Camp

This is the ‘research methods’ course you wish you had at University. This course will make you into a better critical thinker and consumer of research. It will give you a better understanding of all the issues in social media vs the published
scientific evidence and how that applies to clinical practice. It will take you through the issues surrounding science and pseudoscience and the impacts this has on you in general, and specifically in clinical practice.

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Running Shoes Boot Camp

So much has happened in the running shoe market is recent years. Are you on top of all the issues, thoughts, concepts and evidence as well as the opposing viewpoints and ideas. Want to become a real expert in this, then this course if for you. Everything to do with running shoes is explored in depth. All the different prescribing paradigms are explored and evaluated. The evidence and the rhetoric is analysed. All the running shoe brands are looked at. The pros and cons and all differing viewpoints and opinions on the research and concepts are explored and evaluated in detail. All preconceived biases are taken into account and given conisderation.

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Weekly CPD Update Boot Camp

Want to keep up-to-date with everything that is relevant every week? This is the way. We think its the best way. The Weekly CPD Update Boot Camp is a weekly video of about 30 minutes with a summary of everything the is new and relevant from the previous week. After each video, a certificate is available for your continuing professional development (CPD) portfolio. The content covers all aspects of podiatry and related topics and not just those relevant to our other courses.