Bulk Pricing

The mission statement for the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp has always been “The practical application of all the most recent thoughts, concepts, ideas, theories and research on foot biomechanics and foot orthotics into clinical practice.” This online version takes it even further. In the past the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp has covered 2 days of lectures and some practical work. This online version contains at least 4 days’ worth of content broken down into a manageable 20-30 minute chunks with videos, demos, interviews, lectures and the ability to ask and respond to questions. Each topic is developed in much more depth and detail than the 2 day course. The course is guided and interactive. Checks are regularly made of understanding and after working your way through the course a certificate is produced. The registration for this course gives you lifelong access to the materials so you can go over it again at any time, especially when sections get added to as new information becomes available. There is even a private Facebook group to support learners.

Register/Enroll here


Bulk enrollment and membership for groups are available for enrollment in the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp.

The standard fee or a single enrolment is USD$390

For 5, it is USD$345 = $1725
For 10, it is USD$295 = $2950
For 15, it is USD$245 = $3675
For 20, it is USD$195 = $3900

There are two options for a bulk or group enrolment:
1. We will invoice for the amount and individual users are enrolled. These users maintain life long access.
2. We will invoice for the amount and a group leader has access to enroll and unenroll users. When staff leave the organization, they can be removed (and they no longer have access). New users can be added, up to the quota purchased. New users start the course from the beginning. All users have access to the course and updates as long as the group leader keeps then enrolled.

To start this process, please contact us.

PLEASE NOTE: The purpose of the bulk enrolment discount is to cut down on our administration costs. We cannot send individual invoices to all those participating in the bulk discount as that increases our administration costs.


Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp



Craig Payne has been offering his very popular Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp all over the world for many years. Now its available as a much more expanded and in depth interactive online version with guided and supported
learning. This course will launch 1 November 2016.



Become a Critical Thinking and Science Based Podiatrist



This is the ‘research methods’ course you wish you had at University. This course will make you into a better critical thinker and consumer of research. It will give you a better understanding of all the issues in social
media vs the published scientific evidence and how that applies to clinical practice. It will take you through the issues surrounding science and pseudoscience and the impacts this has on you in general, and specifically
in clinical practice. This course will launch 1 January 2017.




Become a Running Shoes Guru


So much has happened in the running shoe market is recent years. Are you on top of all the issues, thoughts, concepts and evidence as well as the opposing viewpoints and ides. Want to become a real expert in this, then
this course if for you. This course will launch on 1 December 2016.


