UK Face-to-face Boot Camps 2020

Were & When:
Southampton (25 & 26 April) and Liverpool (2 & 3 May) POSTPONED

Theses are still going to be held as soon as is practical

What you get:
Access to the current Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp Online (lifetime/forever – over 60 hours of lecture content)
Access to the Weekly Update (lifetime/forever – approx 20 minutes a week)
The two days of new content (see below) in Southampton or Liverpool
See below for the costs of this bargin to include all that!

The content of the online version you get access to is here
The content covered in the face-to-face is this:
Foot orthotic dosing and its practical and research interpretation implications
Load management in runners – do foot orthotics play a role?
Your patient thinks they know more than you based on their Google search
Science, differences of professional opinion, pseudoscience and just plain BS
PTTD or adult acquired flatfoot? Is it a ‘medical emergency’?
Are foot orthotics temporary or permanent?
What do patients think helps vs what do you think helps?
Evidence based guide to advising patients on running shoes
Foot orthotic lab shenanigans
Practical tips to manage common problems
• Plantar fasciitis (eg importance of natural history; patient perceptions of what works; the “pain” in plantar heel pain; why does the clinical research show everything works?)
• Plantar plate dysfunction (e.g. do you really need an ultrasound?)
• Dorsal midfoot pain
• Cuboid syndrome (e.g. if there is such a thing)
• Tendinopathy (e.g. load management; acute/chronic workload ratios — or not?)
• Medial tibial stress syndrome (e.g. foot orthotics, wedging or gait retraining? – which one?)
• Anterior compartment syndrome (e.g. “100% guarantee cure or get your money back”)
• Patellofemoral pain (e.g. is there still a role left for foot orthotics?)
..… With an emphasis on:
• Getting the foot orthotic design features right
• Alternatives and adjuncts to foot orthotics (e.g. gait retraining; short foot exercise; kool aid)
• Science, differences of professional opinion, pseudoscience and just plain BS

Payment Options:
Click here for:
Southampton one payment (£390)
Liverpool one payment (£390)
Southampton 4 monthly payments (£98)
Liverpool 4 monthly payments (£98)

Any questions, comments, queries or concerns please make contact.